How to run fast?

 There are several ways to improve your running speed, here are some key areas to focus on:  * Running Technique: Focus on good form with a high knee drive, short and quick strides, and a powerful push-off from the balls of your feet.  * Interval Training: Alternate between periods of high-intensity effort and recovery to build both speed and endurance.  * Strength Training: Building strong legs and core will improve your power and stability.  * Hill Repeats: Running uphill strengthens leg muscles and improves cardiovascular fitness.

News Anlysis

 News Analysis: The rescue of four hostages on Saturday instantly raised morale in Israel and offered a momentary victory for the country’s embattled prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. But the attacks that accompanied the rescue operation killed scores of Palestinians, according to Gaza health officials, puncturing Israel’s claims that it was a resounding success.
